Experience.Me A Platform that Connects Users to Service Providers
Experience.me is a recently launched application for Android and iOS stores. It is a digital platform that connects end users to telecom service providers, engineering a better telecommunication sector in the country. It is exclusively targeting Indian audience.
It is a methodology to measure the experience of smartphones users. The application automatically analyzes the service quality that a Telecom operator provides its consumers, through various network events encountered by mobile devices. The application then shows alert messages to users on their phones, drawing their attention to the snags in the services. Furthermore, it builds an automated database, centered on handset experiences from across the country. The application starts its functions the moment it is downloaded on a mobile device and works quietly in the background without affecting the user experience in any way. The app measures various aspects of the mobile users’ experience such as coverage, data speeds as well as social media and video performance.
Elaborating on the launch of its services, Umang Shah, Co-Founder and Head-Innovation and Marketing commented, “At present, our primary goal is to reform India’s telecommunications sector by focusing purely on improving customer experience. We intend to streamline the communication between Consumers & Service Providers by bridging gaps in the communication processes that exist today. This can be achieved only by fulfilling the lack of automation in grievance resolution regarding network problems which negatively impacts customer experience. We are certain of providing effective and transparent ways for customers to measure &verify the resolution of their network related concerns. We would like to sensitize the masses about our technology and services which can be used to convey their grievances to the mobile operators and potentially resolve them within minutes. Our target is to increase downloads to over 1 million users over the next quarter.”
Elaborating on the launch of its services, Umang Shah, Co-Founder and Head-Innovation and Marketing commented, “At present, our primary goal is to reform India’s telecommunications sector by focusing purely on improving customer experience. We intend to streamline the communication between Consumers & Service Providers by bridging gaps in the communication processes that exist today. This can be achieved only by fulfilling the lack of automation in grievance resolution regarding network problems which negatively impacts customer experience. We are certain of providing effective and transparent ways for customers to measure &verify the resolution of their network related concerns. We would like to sensitize the masses about our technology and services which can be used to convey their grievances to the mobile operators and potentially resolve them within minutes. Our target is to increase downloads to over 1 million users over the next quarter.”
“Our App eliminates the need to make tedious calls to customer care for network issues, thereby saving consumers the time and stress of answering lengthy queries. It also eradicates the possibility of human errors that could be caused by the customer care executives. The app is capable of independently testing and sharing experience on social media, and can also independently verify if a problem is actually resolved.” added Umang.

Though the app can have a better User Interface to attract masses, it still works superfine. The portal already has details of mobile experiences captured across leading service providers in over 20 cities. Besides showing the quality of mobile service, the portal also publishes periodic ‘State of Telecom’ reports to measure the pace of user experience transformation in the Indian telecommunications industry.